Overqualified job applicants: We still need predictive models | Midot
Año de publicación:2011
Publicado en: Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 4(2), 240-242
Autores:Fine, S., & Nevo, B.

Erdogan, Bauer, Peir´o, and Truxillo (2011) describe several research advances that have been made in recent years, from multiple disciplines, which afford us a better understanding of the frequency, antecedents, and potential consequences of overqualified employment. These advancements notwithstanding, from the perspective of personnel selection, the field of overqualification remains greatly understudied. Erdogan et al. acknowledge this and appropriately end their article with a number of unresolved issues and possible directions for future research. We would like to raise an additional outstanding issue that we believe is fundamental to both selection theory and practice, irrespective of the possible positive or negative outcomes of overqualified employment: the need for predictive models of overqualification among job applicants.

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