Publicaciones científicas Midot


Midot, que atiende a más de 2,000 empresas en 33 países del mundo, es un socio óptimo para garantizar la integridad de sus empleados.

  • Fine, S. (2012). A look at diversity in the workplace and the fairness of selection tests for recruiting minority groups. [in Hebrew]. Psychoactualia: Journal of the Israeli Psychological Association, July, 20-31.

  • Fine, S. (2012). Psychometrics and decision making: A book review [in Hebrew]. Bulletin of the Israeli Psychometric Association, 12, 7.

  • Fine, S., & Nevo, B. (2011). Overqualified job applicants: We still need predictive models. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 4(2), 240-242.

    Erdogan, Bauer, Peir´o, and Truxillo (2011)describe several research advances thathave been made in recent years, frommultiple disciplines, which afford us abetter understanding of the frequency,antecedents, and potential consequences of overqualified employment. These advance-ments notwithstanding, from the perspec-tive of personnel selection, the field of overqualification remains greatly under-studied. Erdogan et al. acknowledge thisand appropriately end their article with anumber of unresolved issues and possibledirections for future research. We wouldlike to raise an additional outstanding issuethat we believe is fundamental to bothselection theory and practice, irrespectiveof the possible positive or negative out-comes of overqualified employment: theneed for predictive models of overqualifca-tion among job applicants.

  • Fine, S. (2011). Updating the “Standards”. [in Hebrew]. Bulletin of the Israeli Psychometric Association, 10, 6.

  • Fine, S. (2010). Pre-employment integrity testing across multiple job industries. Psychological Reports, 107(2), 1-4.

    Despite the robust meta-analytic data available, very little comparative research exists on validities of integrity measures within specific industries. Among a sample of 2456 Israeli job applicants, integrity scores were found to be significantly correlated with self-reported counterproductive work behaviors across eight different industries, with no evidence of adverse impact by gender, age, or national origin. These results are believed to be of practical importance to the diverse organizations administering integrity tests.

  • Fine, S. (2010). Cross-cultural integrity testing as a marker of regional corruption rates. International Journal of Selection & Assessment, 18(3), 251-259.

    Despite the extensive research on integrity testing in personnel psychology, very little cross‐cultural evidence is currently available. The present study compares mean integrity test scores across 27 countries, based on data collected from 60,952 job applicants, and examines the relationship between these scores and a comparative index of country‐level corruption as a broad measure of cross‐cultural validity. G. S. Hofstede’s cultural dimension indices are then used to explain these findings. The results indicate significant variance between cross‐cultural integrity test scores overall, and that this variance is significantly related to country levels of corruption (r=−.48), as well as Hofstede’s power distance and collectivism dimensions, as hypothesized. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.

  • Fine, S., Horowitz, I., Weigler, H., & Basis, L. (2010). Is good character good enough? The effects of situational variables on the relationship between integrity and counterproductive work behaviors. Human Resource Management Review, 20(1), 73-84

    The literature on integrity testing in personnel selection has reported impressive validities for predicting counterproductive work behaviors (CWB), but has seldom taken into consideration the possible influences of situational variables once job applicants are hired. This study examined the main effects and interaction effects of two situational variables, employee engagement and security control norms, on the relationship between integrity and CWB admissions. Based on data collected from a census sample of job incumbents from a large international retail company, all three variables were found to be moderately related to CWB, incrementally valid when aggregated, and together led to a lower rate of false positives than that yielded by integrity alone. In addition, employee engagement and security control norms each moderated the relationship between integrity and CWB when integrity was low, but did not influence CWB when integrity was high. The implications of these findings on personnel selection methods are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)

  • Fine, S., & Horowitz, I. (2010). The dangers of narcissistic leadership in the workplace. [in Hebrew]. Human Resources Magazine, 273/274, 22-25.

  • Fine, S. (2010). Faking in selection testing: A book review. [in Hebrew]. Bulletin of the Israeli Psychometric Association, 9, 10.

  • Fine, S. (2010). Practical guidelines for implementing pre-employment integrity tests. [in Hebrew]. Psychoactualia: Journal of the Israeli Psychological Association, April, 52-56.

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